Saturday, February 15, 2020

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 43

Assignment Example Likely trained as a Priest himself, Fulcher of Chartres (c. 1059 - ?) was one of the earliest historians of the First Crusade (1095-1099), a military expedition undertaken by European Christians to regain the ‘Holy Lands’ and recapture Jerusalem. In the particular excerpt from Fulcher’s chronicle that I have assigned to you, Fulcher recounts Pope Urban II’s (1088-1099) speech at the Council of Clermont. This speech is thought to have launched the First Crusade. incumbent (someone currently holding an official position); diocese (bishopric or area under the authority of a particular bishop); patriarch (a leading bishop in the Orthodox Church of the Byzantine Empire); ecclesiastical (of or referring to the church); patriarchate (area under the authority of a particular patriarch); cathedral chapter (body of clergymen formed to advise a bishop or, in his absence, govern the particular area under his authority); cultic (of or pertaining to worship According to Barlett, Latin Europe is that component of Europe which was predominantly Roman Catholic from the very beginning. The zone had common characteristics in geographical and cultural context. Latin was the dominant language for communication with a combination of Latin and Roman culture. Internal differences existed in the Latin Europe of the early Middle Ages unlike Latin Europe of the later Middle Ages. (Bartlett, 1) The ‘Latins’ were also referred as ‘Franks’. In the initial half of the ninth century, the Christian West and the Franskish Empire shared the same boundary. Frankish Europe as per Bartlett’s definition is the land of Carolingians. This was the center of the West. Some parts of England, Northern Italy, France and West Germany were also included. During the High Middle Ages, this part of the Empire may be regarded as central. The religion was

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Review and Insights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review and Insights - Essay Example Additionally, both sides must be contrasted, or shown what is different about each position, in the essay. Argumentative essays are another subject altogether. When you revise your argumentative essay, Kirszner (1999) recommends that you should keep at least some of the following questions in mind: The same could be applied to persuasive essays. It is of utmost significance in a persuasive essay, above all, to make a well-formed and logical argument. The writer’s position does not necessarily matter so much, as much as does the attitude of the writer and the evidence that the writer has to support his or her assertions. A passionate persuasive argument is part of the persuasive essay, but the essay will not reach its intended purpose without the proper evidentiary support. In that regard, it is much like the argumentative essay, but slightly different in that the attitude of the writer must convince the reader based largely on an emotional appeal as well. A well-written case study is one in which the writer is in the position to analyze and manage an imaginary real-life situation. The case study’s purpose is to give the analyst experience in how he or she would approach a particular problem and solve it in a potential actual setting. The exemplar case study is one which: first, gives the details and background about the case; second, provides scenarios as to what is the desired outcome or potential outcomes of the case study; and thirdly, discusses why the solution(s) given to the problem is/are the best, and why one recommendation was chosen over the other for the problem. There are certain tips that can be followed in order to ensure success in writing quality research papers and essays. James Foley (2001) mentions a few useful things he had his students do in order to get involved in the process of researching papers; adequate preparation for completing research required a